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#10 A Closer Look at Boundaries

#10 A Closer Look at Boundaries

#10 A Closer Look at Boundaries

by Jolene Philo & Anne Fleck | Home Again


These pictures show favorite Christmas memories Jolene and Anne shared at the beginning of this podcast.

L: Jolene (in fur stole) playing wedding dress up with cousins.

R: Anne and her cousins searching for the American Girl dolls hidden by Uncle John.

Healthy Boundary Resources mentioned in Home Again Podcast #10:

The Four Kinds of Boundaries & How to Build Them at the Psych Central website.

Boundaries Updated and Expanded Edition: When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life by  Henry Cloud.

#9 Christmas Shopping Without Going Overboard

#9 Christmas Shopping Without Going Overboard

#9 Christmas Shopping Without Going Overboard

by Jolene Philo & Anne Fleck | Home Again


Anne and Jolene mentioned Grandma Dorothy’s Chex Mix early in the podcast. It is also known as That Fabulous Franklin Chex Mix in honor of the school where  Grandma Dorothy taught for decades and where she first sampled the recipe in the teacher’s lounge. Whatever you call it, the secret ingredient (bacon grease) has made it a delicious and decadant holiday treat for generations at our house.

Anne and Jolene talked about selecting toys that encourage creativity in kids and “grow” with them. This list features many of their favorites.

  • Legos
  • Lincoln Logs
  • Play-Doh
  • Costume and dress up boxes
  • Art and craft supplies
  • Miniature work bench & tools
  • Kids’ cooking supplies
  • Sewing box stocked with notions and fabric
  • Dolls
  • K’nex
  • Robotic kits
  • Books, books, and more books


#8 Troubleshooting Pie for Thanksgiving

#8 Troubleshooting Pie for Thanksgiving

#8 Troubleshooting Pie for Thanksgiving

by Jolene Philo & Anne Fleck | Home Again

As promised, Jolene and Anne are sharing their favorite essential and ancient pie-making tools. First up, the drip pan that catches boil overs and allows air to circulate so the bottom crust gets done.

Next up, Anne’s favorite rolling pin followed by Jolene’s fave. You can see Anne’s rolling pin in action in our How to Make Pie Crust video on Facebook.

 Aunt Kris’s Oil Pie Crust

In a medium bowl, combine:

2 1/4 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt

Pour in 2/3 cup salad oil and mix well.


4 tablespoons cold water

Blend this mixture well. Then form into a ball. Cut the ball in half and roll out each crust between 2 sheets of plastic wrap.

This recipe makes 2 pie crusts.

#7 Home Again Epic Successes

#7 Home Again Epic Successes

#7 Epic Successes at Home Again

by Jolene Philo & Anne Fleck | Home Again


We’re proud of our epic successes and want to share them with you. So here are pictures of photographable successes in the order they were mentioned during the podcast.

Living Room Remodel: Note Jolene’s technique while sweeping the floor in a wheelchair. Decorative window treatments and wall art are in the works. And the furniture will be rearranged once the wheelchair is no longer needed.

Soundproofed Laundry Chute: Foam insulation and double-sided tape did the trick!

Patio Fence: Created by Hiram with harvested posts and boards from the fence around the former horse pasture.

Garden Fence: The posts are in and ready for next spring’s fish line fence that’s supposed to keep the deer out. Click on Fish Line Fence to learn more about them. Yes, Tad is wearing Spider-man rain boots!

Anne’s Sewing Center: It’s a repurposed computer armoire she moved out of the main living area recently as her sewing and costume box business is taking off.

Worms Be Gone: Hiram’s simple caulking fix did the trick. Anne and her family quickly bid the worms, spiders, and bugs eager to share their living room a relieved farewell.

#6 Freezer Burn

#6 Freezer Burn

#6 Freezer Burn

by Jolene Philo & Anne Fleck | Home Again


Goodies from the Something Old, New, Borrowed, Blue Feature

Right: Old spatula inherited from Jolene’s mom that we love.

Left: Anne’s Singer Featherweight sewing machine.

Recipe for Thai Coconut Shrimp Soup

Iowa’s electronic library, Bridges/Overdrive

Three little freezers all in a row. We call them chest freezer, tall freezer, and short freezer. You can enter the contest to name them by leaving name suggestions in the comment box below. The winner will receive a yet-to-be-determined prize that is neither Jolene’s favorite spatula or Anne’s sewing machine.

R: The inside of the tall freezer that shows frozen meals stacked on shelves and hard-to-stack items in the door shelves.

L: The dividers and baskets in the new chest freezer. Don’t they make your heart go pitter-pat?

#5 When It Rains, It Pours

#5 When It Rains, It Pours

#5 When It Rains, It Pours

by Jolene Philo & Anne Fleck | Home Again


Jolene and Anne are mighty impressed with the 6 raised garden beds (each one is 4 x 24 feet) constructed by Hiram with assistance from Kailen and Tad. The lumber was salvaged from fence that’s slowly being dismantled. Of special note is Tad’s pet earthworm living large in the driver’s seat of Tad’s toy truck.

Links to ideas, products, and stores mentioned in the When It Rains, It Pours podcast:

  • An article about the many benefits of hugelkultur, none of which were successful when we tried them.
  • The Nada Chair Chair Sportbacker Anne uses when her back goes wacky.
  • Graber Blinds, the manufacturer of Jolene’s new window blinds. Please note that in her opinion, the new blinds are a raging success.
  • Redeker’s Furniture, a family-owned business in central Iowa with great quality and selection.
  • Locally-owned Reising Sun Cafe, which serves delicious meals, especially breakfast, and ice cream.
  • Locally-owned Papa’s Pizzeria serves delicious pizza (with a gluten-free option), as well as delectable salads, sandwiches, and pasta. Everything we’ve tasted there has been wonderful. Thinking about their onion rings makes my (Jolene) mouth water.