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#4 Whiteboard Central

#4 Whiteboard Central

#4 Whiteboard Central

by Jolene Philo & Anne Fleck | Home Again


Even though it says August, this was our whiteboard schedule for September.

Links to materials used to make the whiteboard scheduler:

We originally purchased a dry erase set with an eraser and cleaning fluid. It’s a good investment so you can clean the board thoroughly now and then.

Sample Weekly Menu

Our favorite grocery store’s ad comes out on Tuesday mornings. Once it’s in our hot little hands, we make menus for Wednesday through Tuesday and complete the shopping list. J indicates that Jolene’s cooking, while A gives the nod to Anne. There are links to recipes that have been previously featured on the blog.

Wednesday: Uncle Ben’s Sausage and Rice (J)
Thurday: Tacos (A)
Friday: Slow Cooker French Stew and biscuits (J) Make double batch and freeze one
Saturday: Grilled pork loin, grilled veggies, and grilled potatoes (J)
Sunday: Slow Cooker Beef Ragu (J) New recipe with freezer meal potential
Monday: Homemade pizza (A) Make triple batch of crust for a total of 9 crusts. Top and bake 3 crusts. Parbake and freeze remaining 3 crusts
Tuesday: Church Connection Group for the Flecks, out to eat for the Philos

Home Again’s luxury audio studio is designed, not just for good sound quality, but to create envy in the hearts of others.

Pear-Applesauce Recipe

Follow the instructions from this post with the following modifications:

  • Use half apples and half pears
  • Use a slotted spoon when spooning the cooked apples and pears into the colander as pears create more juice than apples do. Run fruit through colander and add juice remaining in the slow cooker until the desired consistency is reached.
  • Freeze remaining juice for later use if desired.
  • Don’t add sugar as the pears will add enough sweetness

Other Products and Businesses Mentioned in the Whiteboard Central Podcast Episode


#3 Early Conflicts

#3 Early Conflicts

#3 Early Conflicts

by Jolene Philo & Anne Fleck | Home Again


Check out the map that explains the comings and goings of the Home Again family.

Below you’ll find a list of shows, stores, and services mentioned in the Early Conflicts podcast.

Anne’s been watching Strong Women on Korean Drama

Jolene’s been watching
Parks & Recreation and Madame Secretary. Both are on Netflix, at least they were when this podcast went live. 

Tad’s been watching You Tube train videos.

Anne and Jolene’s favorite grocery store chain is Fareway Stores found in Iowa and across the border in surroundings states. 

Anne and Jolene’s book coaching services are explained in full at Literary Midwives.

#4 Whiteboard Central

#2 Establishing Boundaries

#2 Establishing Boundaries

by Jolene Philo & Anne Fleck | Home Again


To the right is a first look at the white board calendar mentioned during this podcast. We use it to keep schedules straight, which is a big part of establishing healthy boundaries. Check back next week, when an entire podcast is devoted to explaining how we use it and how to make your own.

Click here for the link to the Mom’s Special Calendar that was the springboard for our whiteboard scheduler.

#1 Welcome to Home Again

#1 Welcome to Home Again

#1 Welcome to Home Again

by Jolene Philo & Anne Fleck | Home Again


To kick off the first Home Again podcast, Jolene and Anne pulled out a few pictures to give you an idea what we and the places we’re talking about look like. We hope you enjoy the photo album we put together below.

Top Row:

L: The old farmhouse (some parts date back to 1845) where Hiram and Jolene lived from 1985-2016, and where Anne and her brother grew up.

R: House our families moved into in January of 2017.

Middle Row:

L: Hiram and Jolene yucking it up at Kailen and Anne’s wedding.

R: Anne and Kailen at the dinner table.

Bottom Row:

L: Tad watching Papoo (Hiram) operate large machinery at the old house before the move.

R: Appa the wonder dog.