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January 2015

10. After being very disagreeable for a week or two, the temperatures finally decided to behave themselves.

9.  A church fundraiser provided the opportunity to make dairy free “buttermilk” brownies, sample a few, and give the rest away. Check tomorrow’s post for the recipe!

8.  Our daughter and her husband moved into a condo, which means we’ll be getting rid of some old furniture.

7.  Co-author Katie Wetherbee and I are almost done editing the page proofs for Every Child Welcome, which is scheduled for release on April 27, 2015. (Yes, you can pre-order now!)

6.  Whittling away at my to list in the second half of January means February may have some free time to work on the mystery novel again…if I can remember what it’s about.

5.  Watching and listening to reporters trying to talk about “under-inflated balls” without breaking into fits of adolescent giggles is highly entertaining.

4.  The Parenthood finale. Which is also the worst thing about late January since it signifies the end of a fantastic television series.

3. Downton Abbey, Season 5.

2.  Mom’s doing her best to adjust to her new digs in assisted living.

1. The Man of Steel finally gets to meet his new grand daughter this coming weekend.

What do you love about late January 2015? Leave you comments below.