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weeding flowerbeds

Weeding flowerbeds rates right up there with root canals, stubbing toes, cleaning toilets, and dusting in terms of things not to do. Over the years, I’ve amassed a small arsenal of excuses to avoid weeding in every kind of weather.. These ten Goldilocksian reasons are guaranteed to persuade the reluctant gardener why to not go outside and pull weeds.

10.  It’s too wet. This excuse has come in handy often this spring.

9.   It’s too dry. From June 2012 through the rest of last year, this one worked like a charm.

8.   It’s too cold. Also a good excuse this spring. It worked whenever #10 failed.

7.   It’s too hot. Hang onto this one until July and August when big guns are needed.

6.   It’s too windy. As in, “It’s so windy weeds or dirt might get in my eyes.”

5.   It’s too still. And without a breeze, heat exhaustion can sneak up on a person.

4.   It’s too buggy. Probably because it’s too still outside.

3.  It’s too cloudy. Which is depressing and weeding the flowerbed is already depressing enough.

2.   It’s too sunny. In which case, it’s important to stay inside and avoid getting a sunburn.

1.   The weather is absolutely perfect. And who wants to waste a perfect day with something as mundane as weeding flowers?

Does weeding rank high on your what not to do list? Leave a comment with your best reason to not weed.