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Even if our mailbox doesn't contain any Valentine's Day cards this week, people have said "I love you" in these ten ways.

Valentine’s Day will soon be here. I have a stack of cards ready. One for the Man of Steel, others for our kids and grandkids, and one for Mom. Whether or not any cards arrive for me, the people in my life have already said “I love you” to me and others in the following wonderful ways.

10. My sister and her husband invited us to spend a week in Phoenix with them during the dead of winter.

9.  My kids announced plans for a 60th birthday party for the Man of Steel next month without prompting from me.

8.  God provided a way through a process I’ve been trying to navigate for a couple years.

7.  My sweet, shy one-year-old granddaughter smiled when we played peek-a-boo.

6.  My brother mentioned how much help it is when I pick up library books for Mom and take her to appointments.

5.  During a weekend with our daughter-in-law, the meals she prepared were all dairy-free.

4.  When I told Mom I loved her, she said, “I know.”

3.  A friend sent a Valentine ecard.

2.  The Man of Steel slept in the guest room for a week so I wouldn’t catch influenza from him.

1.  When it was time for Papoo and Grammy Jo to go home at the end of our last visit, our three-year-old grandson cried and said, “I don’t want you to go.”

How has someone said “I love you” to you this week? Leave a comment.