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1968 pattern

  1. NPR did a story over the weekend about this century’s version of Victorian hair art. Instead of weaving our deceased loved ones’ hair into creepy wreathes and wall hangings, we can have their cremated remains compressed into diamonds. So when we introduce ourselves to prospective employees or clients, we can flash our jewelry and introduce dear departed Grammy and Papoo, too. That’s much less creepy.
  2. The dresses and play clothes worn by the adolescent character Sally in season 6 of Mad Men are dead ringers for the 4-H projects I sewed in junior high. Half of me is pleased to be able to verify the fashion accuracy of the show. The other half of me is not so happy to be old enough to verify the fashion accuracy of the show.
  3. Our guidance counselor wasn’t kidding when he told the students in our class that taking German in high school would come in handy for the rest of our lives. My rendition of Du Du Liegst Mir im Herzen calmed down a resident at the nursing home where I worked in college. A few years back, I wowed German house guests by counting to ten in their native tongue. More recently, while reading The Book Thief, I recognized most of German phrases sprinkled throughout the book, which must have boosted my comprehension considerably. Not a bad investment on 3 years of study!

How has your high school foreign language study come in handy over the years? Leave a comment.

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