Yes, The Caregiver’s Notebook has arrived here on the gravel road. The official release date is November 1, 2014, but this post gives a sneak peek at what’s inside. You’ll see why the notebook can be used by parents of kids with special needs, adult children caring for aging parents, and those caring for adults with disabilities or special needs. Even healthy adults like the Man of Steel and I are compiling our own notebooks, so our affairs are in order just in case something happens to one of us.
Sound good? Then here’s a look inside the notebook. If you read to the very end, you’ll also learn how to enter the give away for a free copy.
The Inside Scoop on The Caregiver’s Notebook
The tour begins with a close up of the front cover.
Next, the table of contents…there’s a corresponding tab for each section.
Each section begins with a excerpt from caregiver’s devotionals by Discovery House Publisher authors Shelly Beach, Wendy Wallace, or me. The one pictured below is by Wendy.
Tabbed pages make it easy to flip to the different sections…
…followed by instructions on how to use each section.
Every section contains forms that make collecting and recording your loved one’s information as easy as possible. This form is for emergency information.
Some how-to sections also have completed sample pages to you can see exactly how to fill them out.
The notebook has a blank three year calendar for caregivers to fill in and use to keep track of a loved one’s appointments and activities. Each monthly two page spread has room for notes on the side, too.
At the end of the notebook there’s a pocket page where you can tuck all the business cards, information sheets, and test results received at your loved one’s appointment. That way you can find and file them once you’re back home.
Finally, because it’s hard for the back cover to watch the front cover get all the attention, here’s a lovely shot of the lowly backside.
The Caregiver’s Notebook Give Away
If you like what’s inside The Caregiver’s Notebook, you’re invited enter a drawing to win a free copy. Just leave a comment in the box below about how you will use the notebook. The contest ends at midnight on October 31, 2014, so leave your comment before then. The winner will be chosen and contacted on November 1.
I will use this for my son, who has Trisomy 18 Mosaic. I am always concerned that something would happen to me and the information that would be needed to care for him would not be readily available to his caregiver.
Can’t wait to get this! I started working on our emergency plan for our 18yo daughter with moderate cerebral palsy a few months ago in a Word document. Not an easy task! This will be a great way to make sure our plan is complete and it’s all in one place! Congratulations, Jolene!
I would use the caregiver notebook for the care of my husband. I like that it contains devotionals.
Jolene, it must be so exciting to hold the finished product in your hands. I’ve pre-ordered a copy and plan to use it for my mother-in-law, so all of her children who take her to doctor appointments are on the same page (literally).
I am hoping it has a page where you can keep track of 12 different medication for a whole month on the same page…. but, then maybe the system I already have will work for Al when I decide I have had enough.
I would use the notebook to communicate with all the caregivers taking care of my son with a VRK1 mutation. Between all the nurses and other caregivers we have in the home sometimes things get lost and with this I would hope things would not.
i would use it to help me help my hubby who lives with CP
I plan to give the notebooks to my nieces and nephews for Christmas presents. Thanks for relieving my stress about buying gifts!!!!
I’m doing a book signing at King’s Bookstore in Boone on Nov. 22 10–noon if you want autographed copies!
I look forward to recapturing my sanity with this little gem!
I would use this notebook for my severely autistic daughter Shauna. I have her information in so many different notebooks right now in spite of my efforts to compile it. I love the devotionals
I could use this to keep track of our SAMs daily headaches, side effects from his meds & to keep track of all of his appointments. Sam has Chiari Malformation & I have to keep a daily log of his symptoms for his doctors. God bless.
I would like to give this book to our pastor. I think it may be something we should have at church to give to those who come into the situation of needing it.
Being the sole caregiver for my special needs son, I really need to compile info about him. Thank you for doing this giveaway.
I have an 11 year old son with Autism and could use the notebook for him. Also my husband is a kind of caregiver for me because I have Bipolar Disorder and need help with my appointments and medication at times. I often have memory issues and need daily reminders. He goes to counseling for the burden he’s under as a provider for all of us. Either way the notebook will be a valued resource in our home.
How great is this! I have attempted to make my own but with no success
We have an only son with severe special needs. The hardest part is having no parents grandparents or siblings to help. This book looks amazing and if I don’t win it I will save up to purchase!
How wonderful!
I’ve got two kids with autism and a father who may or may not be aging well. I’m going to want a few copies I think. 😉
I’ll use this to help with my son who has CP and intellectual disabilities. He is nonverbal and we are planning for his future when others will be his daily caregivers. God bless you for all you do!
I would use this to help with my 19yod Hannah Grace, she has a rare chromosome deletion with complex medical history and will be going into the adult medical world in a few years, even though she is the size of a 5yo…this would be a big help for us
I really need something like this to get organized. I’m forever forgetting to write down appointments!
This is such a wonderful idea! My Son is 10 & has duchenne MD. He sees a team of Drs–& therapists every 6 mths….I have more pieces of paper & business cards with phone #,s on that I can keep track of….they are all over our house & stuck to our fridge, even in the car 🙁
How great it would be to keep track of everything all in one fabulous notebook!
I always feel so overwhelmed by what I have to remember for my 4 year-old daughter with partial Trisomy 13. This notebook will not only help me organize information, but also lift up my spirit when I’m struggling to get through difficult situations. Jolene’s book “A Different Dream for My Child” was so encouraging and uplifting, it feels like getting a hug from a dear friend to read. Thank you.
This is fantastic!!!!!! I’d love to gift this to a sweet lady at my church is is caring for her husband with dementia.
Bethany, thanks for your sweet words. Your feedback makes my heart smile. The notebook even has excerpts from “A Different Dream for My Child” and other caregiver devotionals. Because caregivers need organization and encouragement.
I’d love to win a copy! I’d use it so that Bethany’s future guardians will have all the info they need in one spot!
I would use this book to organize all my daughter’s information. She has so many caregivers at school, therapies, and doctors appointments. I am still trying to find the best system to organize all the information.
I would use this book to help me organize information about my special need sons. His information is currently in a three ring binder, but not very organized because I am not sure how to “organize” it. I look forward to not only reading the devotions myself but also sharing some with my son so he will know that God is good. Thanks
What a great idea!! I would use this in caring for my 9 year old son with special needs. Thank you!
This looks like a great resource!
This would be perfect for right now! I carry a big binder with me right now in a backpack! It is killing my back!
I would use this for my 5 year old daughter who has a genetic benign tumor disorder called Tuberous Sclerosis Complex. It has led to her having global developmental delays and intractible epilepsy, as well as possible autism/sensory processing disorder.
I might also get one (buy) for my mother who is the legal guardian for my great aunt who has alzheimers, and my mother’s husband was also just diagnosed with early onset dementia.
What a great resource! I would use it for my adult sons with Autism that require 24/7 caregiving.
I will use it for my young adult son Micah who has autism. It will help us keep track of everything that needs to be done. Thanks for such a handy notebook!
I would love to use this book to help organize information about our 8 year old son, Gavin. I would love to have a book that has everything about Gavin’s meds, care, doctors….for others especially….in case I couldn’t be there to do his care.
I would love to use this for my adult son with severe disabilities. We’re just starting to use some caregivers who aren’t me or my husband, so this would come in handy. Would also love to share it with the gals in my support group, as well as the ladies we minister to through Joni and Friends Southern Oregon. Blessings!
This would help me to be better organized in caring for my daughter who has a chromosome deletion and is legally blind.
My husband is 20 years older than me, he will be 84 this month. He has started turning more and more over to me. Although he is not showing any signs of health problems, except pain from arthritis, I know that I will have to deal with more as he ages. I try to be organized to make things easier and this notebook looks like it would be very helpful for planning. I know I will be able to car for him better if I am prepared as much as possible.
I love this. Support AND Organization. I use two notebooks now: A spiral bound for me to write down to my child’s care givers what I would like them to work on for the day or after school and for my child’s care givers to leave comments. I have a pocket folder for all the papers from appointments with therapists and doctors, etc. Neither of them has inspiration as part of the package – so I like that a lot. Not sure there will be enough room in this little book for all the paper’s I collect, but I could use it to keep papers when I first get them so they don’t get lost and then file them later which I currently do anyhow. I never throw any paperwork away.
I will use it for my son who has a neuromuscular disorder. I can put all his vital info in one place so I can “grab & go” for ER visits/hospitalization . Great idea!
Thank you! This is such a great idea! This will help me keep everything together for my son with special needs. PT, OT, Speech, dr’s appointments & notes from each appointment. Can’t wait to use this!!
Caring for your child with special needs can leave you feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and spiritually depleted. I believe the book would help me to organize the details needed in caring for my son in case something should happen to me. Also, I think the devotions would help my spiritual life and give me comfort in knowing that God is on my side.
I would most likely use this for my son – he is 16 nonverbal teen with autism. (Teen years are still unpredictable). I might use it for my mom – she is about one step from a nursing home (my dad is already in one) In reality – I should get three!