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Iced Coffee

I love really good (translation: expensive) coffee shop coffee. But on our budget, it’s a once-in-awhile indulgence rather than a regular treat. So I’m always experimenting with the French press at home trying to imitate the coffee from my favorite shop, Burgies.

Usually my efforts fall short.

But one hot June day, I tried my hand at iced coffee. And it turned out better than expected. Much better than expected because the coffee was strong enough, even after the ice cubes had melted.

My dad would have called it strong-enough-to-put-hair-on-your-chest coffee.

So far, it hasn’t had that effect on me. But it was good enough to make again. Maybe even a little weaker than the first batch. Because it really was strong. Almost too strong. But it was also delicious. So give it a try and see what you think.

It’ll Grow Hair on Your Chest Iced Coffee

1/3 cup freshly ground coffee
1 cup almost boiling water
8 large ice cubes
1/4 teaspoon almond extract
2 teaspoons agave syrup
1/2 cup almond milk (can use whole milk or soy milk instead)

Put coffee into French press. Add 1 cup almost boiling water. Let brew for 4 minutes and then push down the plunger.

Pour coffee into a large glass. Add almond extract, agave syrup and almond milk. Stir well. Add ice cubes 1 by one. Stir again. Enjoy!