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gluten-free dairy-free Rice Krispie bars

Today’s recipe is so easy I’m almost embarrassed to post it. But I know many, many parents of kids with food allergies. I know how much they dislike telling their children “No, you can’t eat those treats.” And I know that with a few simple ingredient substitutions, they can say, “Yes, you can eat what all the other kids are eating.”

That may not sound like a big deal to you and me, but for parents who have to say “no” to their children and to kids who can’t eat what their friends do, it can be a very big deal. So today’s post is for them. To make the gluten-free and dairy-free version, you’ll need gluten-free Rice Krispies and Earth Balance vegan buttery sticks. Both can be found at the grocery store. The pictures below can help make sure you get the right ones.



Once you have those ingredients, use them while following the traditional Rice Krispie treat recipe found at their website. You can click the link or follow the directions below.

Gluten-free, Dairy-free Rice Krispie Bars

Put 3 tablespoons of Earth Balance vegan buttery sticks in a large, heavy saucepan and melt over low heat. Add a ten ounce bag of miniature marshmallows and stir until melted. (Or put the shortening and marshmallows in a microwavable bowl. Put in microwave on high for 3 minutes, stirring after 2 minutes.

Add 6 cups of gluten-free Rice Krispies to the melted marshmallows and stir until cereal is evenly coated. Put mixture in a well-greased, 9 X 13 pan. Use a buttered spatula or waxed paper to press the mixture into the pan. (I just spray a little cooking spray on my fingertips and use my hands.)

Cool. Cut into squares and serve.