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My mom always said some things are worth waiting for, and she was right – even when the wait lasts six years. Since I left teaching in June of 2003 to pursue writing and speaking, I prayed for a writers’ group in my area. I longed for a group of committed writers, people who wanted to share writing and provide honest feedback.

I even helped start a group. A few of us limped along, meeting when we could to encourage one another for a few years. But the timing wasn’t right for the other women who attended. Almost all were teachers with kids still in school, which translates as “very busy.” Though they all had a passion for writing, their days didn’t have enough hours, and one by one they faded away.

The first hints of a second chance glimmered in June of 2008. Author Laurie Sargent and I met at the Cedar Falls Christian Writers’ Conference. She was one of the speakers and had recently moved to a town near where I live. She also was interested in joining a writers’ group. For a year and a half, we were a group of two, meeting in our homes to brainstorm, encourage, and critique one another.

Then in May of 2009, I met fellow Iowan Melissa Tagg at the Colorado Christian Writers’ Conference. Wouldn’t you know it, she was interested in a critique group, too? And she lived less than an hour away from Laurie and me. Before summer ended the three of us met to discuss logistics. By then, writers were coming out of the woodwork, eager to join a writers’ group.

Since September, about eight of us have met monthly to share writing goals and to critique one another’s work. The accountability is a great motivator for achieving goals. The writing feedback sometimes feels like being told your beautiful baby isn’t as perfect and sparkling as you believed. But, every suggestion for improvement comes couched in encouragement and sprinkled with fresh ideas impossible to generate when writing alone..

Each month, I’m stretched in new, not-always-comfortable ways and leave a better writer. I receive more than I contribute and grow more than I thought possible. So thanks to Heidi, Sue, Laurie, Melissa, Elizabeth, Mary Beth, and Clare for being the long-awaited answer to my prayers.

May God grant me the grace to be the same to each of you.