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Great-aunts Gladys and Ginny with Gladys’ daughter, Darlene

Thanksgiving’s this Thursday, and my mind keeps wandering to the holiday. Rather than fight the feeling, I’m going with it and making a list of Thanksgiving faves. Here goes.

  1. Favorite Thanksgiving childhood memory: Spending the day playing with my cousins and conspiring with them about how to persuade our parents to let us stay overnight together.
  2. Favorite Thanksgiving adult memory: The year Great-uncle Burnell (suffering from Alzheimer’s), his wife Ginny, and sister-in-law Gladys (both in their 90s) came for dinner. Burnell kept saying he had such a good time he wanted to give me a six million dollar bill. Ginny and Gladys argued about who spilled crumbs and couldn’t get over how well the paper napkins matched the linen tablecloth.
  3. Favorite Thanksgiving trip: Driving from Camp Crook to Le Mars during our South Dakota days. Every time we drove into a snowstorm between Mitchell and Sioux Falls.
  4. Favorite aroma: Waking up to the smell of the onions and celery sauteing in butter for the stuffing Mom was making.
  5. Favorite appetizer: Mom’s Franklin Chex Mix
  6. Favorite food: Mashed potatoes and gravy
  7. Favorite pie: Cherry
  8. Favorite tradition: Playing Catch Phrase with the fam

Okay, now it’s your turn. What’s on your list of Thanksgiving faves? Give into the feeling and leave a comment!