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The purpose of this blog is to show the world what a good sister I am. To do so, I am honoring a request from my oldest sibling. We stayed with her this weekend after moving Allen from her house into his apartment. Her house has a wee bit more room than Allen’s hobbitesque digs and she has mattresses, two plusses we couldn’t ignore.

Anyway, she suggested I post a picture of the view from their deck in suburban Minneapolis on my blog. She sent it by email Sunday evening, complete with the subject heading “the view off our deck in **** *******.” And even though I don’t remember the view looking like this, I’m posting it because she is my much older sister and since birth, I have believed everything she told me.

So if this view has you thinking “Rome” instead of “Minnesota,” keep those thoughts to yourself. Remember, the purpose of this blog post is not journalistic accuracy, but making me look like a wonderful, trusting, loving and much younger little sister.

As far as I’m concerned, it’s just a coincidence that Sis and her family just returned from a trip to Rome. My much older sister would never lie to me, now would she?