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For the first time ever, we felt raindrops at Shadow Valley Family Camp. The gloomy, chilly weather had its upside. The deer were out in the middle of the day, which was as gray as dawn and dusk when they’re usually most active. And family members who arrived at camp early instigated a great sleeping space shuffle so those who were planning on tent dwellings (ourselves included) were moved inside. Yahoo!

However, the wet weather had a downside, also. The mosquitos, which like the deer usually wait to come out at dawn and dusk, sucked our blood mercilessly all day long. Campers who hoped to rectify their Vitamin D deficiencies were out of luck. And outdoor games, a favorite activity, were out of the question thanks to bugs and water.

By yesterday evening the gloom was lifting. This morning dawned sunny and bright and stayed clear until almost lunch time. Long enough for the work crews to peel logs and set up the Frisbee golf course, for the play crews to finger paint with pudding and hose off the slip and slide, and for the kitchen crew to tempt diners with more food in one day than they eat in two back home.

The clouds gathered again while we ate Utoff chicken and Pam’s featherbeds for lunch. But that gives everyone a cozy afternoon for catching up on important things like:

  • The toy horses eight-year-old Alaisyah received for her birthday a few days ago.
  • The progress of wedding plans for this year’s newly engaged couple.
  • Budget deficits and government cost-cutting measures in our respective states.
  • If there’s a can available for Kick the Can tonight – provided the mosquitoes don’t carry everyone off.
  • The idiosyncrasies of the camp automatic coffee makers.
  • Who likes which camp desserts best.
  • The diets we plan to start the day after leaving the mountain.

One gloomy afternoon isn’t enough time to catch up on every earth-shaking event from the past year. But it’s a good start. So take notice, old man weather. Whether you send the sun or the rain, you won’t dampen our spirits at Family Camp. We’re together, and we’re gonna have a good time, no matter what!