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Five Things to Like About Valentine’s Day, 2012

  1. The slow increase in daylight since December 21 becomes obvious on Valentine’s Day.
  2. My afternoon will not be spent supervising a roomful of students on major sugar highs.
  3. Our monthly writers’ critique group meets tonight, which means the evening will be spent with some of my favorite people.
  4. I’m going out to lunch with my husband and mom, the two people who have known me the longest, seen me at my worst, and stick by me anyway.
  5. Coconut, caramel, maple nut, and peanut butter-filled chocolates.

Five Things to Dislike About Valentine’s Day, 2012

  1. The slowly increasing hours of daylight can not hide the fact that Valentine’s Day is still in winter.
  2. My afternoon will not include sweet notes from young children.
  3. An evening with my writers’ group sounds more fun than getting dolled up and going out to eat with Hiram – him elbowing through the crowds while I fall off my high heels.
  4. I’ll be eating salad at lunch while the people who have known me the longest, seen me at my worst, and stick by me anyway eat burgers and fries.
  5. Marshmallow and cherry-filled chocolates.

What do you like and dislike about Valentine’s Day? Add to the list by leaving a comment!