In the past 7 days, I helped Mom move into assisted living on Monday, traveled to Wisconsin on Tuesday to help out with the our 2-year-old grandson and brand new granddaughter until Saturday, and joined our church Connection Group on Sunday afternoon to make 32 pans of scalloped potatoes and ham for an upcoming fundraiser.
After a week in the whirlwind, I am home alone today.
Catching up on neglected tasks.
Sitting in my comfy chair writing.
Reflecting on the many changes our family has undergone in a few short weeks.
2 moments stand out amongst the tornado of moments that swirled around and above and under and through my heart in 7 short days. The first moment came after my brother and I had moved Mom’s furniture, arranged her room, and returned to take her to her new home. When I announced it was almost time to leave and asked her to wait until I was done in the bathroom. While I was otherwise occupied, Mom grabbed her walker and headed out the door.
A few minutes later,
I found her in the garage,
standing in the 7 degree weather,
waiting to begin her new life with the grit and determination that is her hallmark.
The second moment came during my Wisconsin sojourn. I was sitting in the rocking chair holding our newborn granddaughter while her mommy spent some time with her big brother. I looked down at this little one’s tiny perfect face, felt the soft rise and fall of her breathing against my chest, and breathed in her sweet baby aroma. And there, in the center of a month marked by the gale force change, a calm descended upon my windblown heart.
Time evaporated,
my heartbeat slowed,
my body relaxed,
and I thanked God for wrapping my arms around the gift on my granddaughter’s new life.
So very well said for so many reasons.
I’ve been working on an email to you about the tornado of health and assisted living engulfing Linda and I. You should get it later today.
Last but not least your mentioning scalloped potatoes and ham made me drool so hard I almost couldn’t talk. Linda got sick and admitted (inpatient) at Christmas so the ham got baked, but no one has been around to make or eat the scalloped potatoes.
Despite the past, present and possibly upcoming storm Linda’s had angina chest pains, but God has kept her coronary arteries clear and allowed my Baby to be with me for a while longer rather than taking her to be with Him.
So sweet. Congratulations on your new grandchild!
Life does have those moments of sudden reflection (an oxymoron?) and pause for gratitude. After having Rowan with us for the weekend, we got a call Monday morning that Mom had passed away. She lived a full life and her life’s offerings continue through each of us. She is now praising her Savior “All the Day Long”.
Congratulations on the new grandchild. You will cherish every moment with those precious children. We sat behind you in church Sunday and when Hiram raised his hand in worship, Rowan raised his hand. Little eyes are always watching and mimicking. “May all who come behind us find us faithful.”
An adorable rear end!
Highly adorable, but it’s not our granddaughter’s!
Oh, Vicki, I hadn’t heard the news about your mom. I’m so sorry you have to say good-bye to someone you loved so dearly, but thankful to know she is once again whole and recognizes you…even from heaven.
Thank you, Russell. I am praying for God to comfort you and Linda in profound and unexpected ways in these hard months.