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10.  It lowers grocery bills so there’s more money to spend on air conditioning.

9.   Anyone who gets weekly produce through a community supported agriculture (CSA) share has plenty of veggies to eat.

8.   Those with dairy allergies that limit food choices when out and about have a different excuse to explain their picky eating habits.

7.   Selections in restaurants’ “fit and trim” category, which consist mostly of salads, are appropriate summer eating.

6.   It’s the perfect opportunity to learn to drink iced coffee black.

5.   The virtuous feeling that comes with eating healthy almost cancels out the sweaty feeling that comes with summer’s 100% humidity and 100° temperatures.

4.   A July diet is the perfect excuse to not do RAGBRAI. You know, “Got to avoid the pie” and all that.

3.   No need to heat up the kitchen baking dessert.

2.   In July, the produce aisle is a dessert buffet–berries, watermelon, cantaloupe, grapes, pineapple, peaches–the list goes on and on.

1.   A July diet helps a person avoid scenes like this when putting on cute, skinny, summer jeans.