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Since the beginning of November, many Facebook friends have been doing the 30 days of gratitude thing. Somehow, I missed the memo about when to begin. So today, I’m playing catch up with this top 10 list of things (in no particular order) I’m thankful for this Tuesday.

  1. My husband Hiram, also known as the man of steel, who is patient, kind, forgiving, and faithful.
  2. My children, their spouses, and our little grandson.
  3. I can walk.
  4. The freedom we enjoy in this country.
  5. Micro-back surgeries and the amazingly skilled surgeons who perform them.
  6. My mother’s years of wise management of her finances. Because of them, her needs can be met for the rest of her life.
  7. My dad’s 38 year struggle with multiple sclerosis. Because of him, I am grateful for each day of good health.
  8. Hiram’s good job, caring co-workers, and excellent benefits.
  9. Every day, I get to do what I love–write and speak and use my imagination.
  10. Looking back at over a half-century of life, and seeing God’s hand guiding all of it.

How about you? Do you need to catch up on the 30 days of gratitude thing? Leave your top ten in the comment box.