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adorable-21259_1920We’ve had a baby in the house since Thursday when the Man of Steel and I swallowed our pride and asked our kids for help. The presence of a baby changes a person’s priorities faster than almost anything else, making adults ignore things they once held dear. Here’s what’s being left by the wayside at our house this week.

10. The dog. Not ours. Our daughter and son-in-law’s. Poor thing’s had its nose out of joint since early April when Baby arrived and became the center of attention.

9.  Feng shui. Not that I believe in it, but if I did, the baby paraphernalia scattered throughout the house would destroy any semblance of personal harmony with the environment.

8.  Housework. Thank you, dear Baby, for liberating Grammy Jo from this one. At least for a week or two.

7.  Normal routine. Because the only predictable thing in a baby’s routine is lack of predictability, which has a domino effect on everyone and everything.

6.  Regular mealtimes and table manners. After all, Baby’s gonna eat when Baby’s gonna eat. And who cares about elbows on the table when an adorable six-month-old has squash puree dribbling down his sweet, little chin?

5.  Elaborate grooming rituals. Forget about neatly coiffed hair, a manicure, or a pedi. Instead, consider a day with time to shower, brush teeth, and slap on deodorant to be a magnificent gift.

4.  Latest fashion trends. With a baby on deck fashion trends are reduced to trading pajama pants for yoga pants every morning.

3.  Adult conversation. Who has time to talk politics and new movies between feedings, diaper changes, and playing Peek-a-Boo? All of which are far more fascinating than politics and movies anyway.

2.  Any task requiring more than 5 minutes and 1 hand. No further explanation necessary.

1.  Modesty. Between a chubby baby butt and a nursing mother, everyone lets their guard down a bit. And that’s all I’m going to say about that.

What gets ignored when there’s a baby at your house? Leave a comment.