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A week ago Sunday, my flight home from Ronald Reagan National Airport to Des Moines was cancelled. According to the airline (see photo for a hint as to which one), they could not put together a flight crew. The airline rebooked my flight for the next day, and in the 17 hours until it departed, I had oodles of time to come up with these 10 similarities between flight delays and raising kids with special needs.

10.  Unexpected expenses pop up all the time and everywhere.

9.    Sleep deprivation is an integral part of each circumstance.

8.    In both cases, it’s wise to pray first, speak second, and then pray some more.

7.   Parents and passengers learn very quickly that are not in control.

6.   Flexibility is essential, not optional.

5.   Both parents and passengers learn to bite their tongues.

4.   Once the dust settles and their tongues have healed, parents and passengers need to advocate for better treatment. (My letter of complaint went out in Saturday’s mail. I’ll keep you posted on how that goes.)

3.   Both situations are rife with rudeness and unexpected grace.

2.   They are both cauldrons in which deep and lasting friendships form.

1.   Two crucial elements can transform these potential negatives into positives: a sense of humor and a spirit of forgiveness.

What would you add to the list? Leave a comment.

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