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Daffodils 201310. One day snowdrifts. The next day daffodils breaking through the dirt.

9.  Cardinal song.

8.  Certain people who will remain nameless go to bed way early to Netflix because the arrival of Daylight Savings Time makes it perfectly okay.

7.  Morning people are smiling because Daylight Savings Time means their favorite time of day come extra early.

6.  The Man of Steel can be found splashing through puddles while running up and down the gravel road.

5.  The Woman of Aluminum can be found picking her way around puddles while walking up and down the gravel road.

4.  After a couple days of exercise overdue, the Man of Steel and Woman of Aluminum walk stiffly around their house along the gravel road.

3.  The park is overflowing with 12-year-old girls wearing short shorts and walking bare-legged even though the temperature is only 48 degrees.

2.  Brackets, brackets, brackets.

1.  Everybody in town wears a goofy grin, and they have no idea why.

What signs of spring are sprouting where you live?