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After hearing one marvelous review after another–one of which was by Mom–of Steven Spielberg’s new movie Lincoln, Hiram and I went to it over the weekend. It was every bit as wonderful as the critics, and Mom, said. Later, my inner movie/history buff created this top ten list:

10. The combination of politics and name-calling is nothing new.

9.   Neither is the combination of dirty business and politics.

8.   Thankfully, the chambers of Congress and spittoons no longer go together.

7.   Lincoln is the poster child of self-education through reading.

6.   How interesting that the poor and oppressed thanked God when the amendment abolishing slavery passed, but those in power congratulated themselves and one another.

5.   The Civil War was an unspeakable tragedy and a great evil.

4.   Slavery was an even greater evil.

3.   Sally Fields‘ acting never ceases to amaze.

2.    Daniel Day Lewis is a phenomenal actor.

1.    If you feel like crying at the end of the movie, go ahead. Lincoln was a simple and complex man who sacrificed  and died for our young country. His life and death are worthy of our tears.

Have you seen Lincoln yet? What did you think of it? Leave a comment!

photo credit: stock exchange