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10.  To honor an author who slaved through revisions and edits to make the book the best it could be.

9.   To give starving authors a reason to live.

8.   Your tax dollars support public libraries. By reading you get more bang for your library books bucks.

7.    Reading books about far away places is a cost efficient way to travel.

6.    Presently, it is the only method of time travel available to the human race.

5.    A book allows you to see the world from a point of view different from your own.

4.    When you read, you are not only learning information, you’re improving your spelling and vocabulary.

3.    Our brains are wired to learn from stories.

2.    Kids who see adults (especially their parents) reading are more likely to become readers because their parents are modeling the importance of reading.

1.    When you read, you make friends who never die, because they come to life whenever you open the book again.

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Photo Credit: nirots at