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Eliminate Dusting

10.  Dusting makes a person’s hands feel,,,dusty. Yuck!

9.   No one wears white gloves anymore, so why bother?

8.   Dusting pollutes the environment which can lead to breathing problems. How could a person get up in the morning knowing he’d contributed to health issues that could have been avoided by simple behavioral changes?

7.   For those who choose a back to nature decorating theme, the dust fits right in.

6.   Once the dust is gone, there’s no way to know how to arrange knick knacks on the dresser again.

5.   Parents teach children to dust so they learn the monotony of drudge work and decide they should go to college. Once they learn that lesson, dusting serves no purpose.

4.   Thick dust is an excellent medium for tactile learners to practice spelling words. Destroying a teachable moment is a terrible thing.

3.   Life is too short to spend painstakingly coating a piece of cloth with dust. What warped mind thought the idea up, anyway?

2.   If a string of neighborhood cat burglaries follows close on the heels of a dusting extravaganza, the duster could be considered a suspect, what with wiping away fingerprints and all that.

1.   Dusting could get in trouble with environmentalists, since it disturbs the natural environment of dust mites.

What’s your best reason to eliminate dusting? Leave a comment.