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Winter Robin

Once March arrived, winter in these parts decided to dig in its white heels and stick around. Since the strategy is proving highly effective, this week’s top ten list extols the reasons to be happy for a late spring and make hay even when the sun don’t shine.

10.  Extra winter makes northerners appreciate spring more when it finally does arrive.

9.   We get more wear out of winter clothes.

8.   A late, cold spring gives female rabbits headaches, and therefore has a dampening effect on the rabbit population.

7.   The cold weather makes midwesterners more sympathetic toward Canadians.

6.   Shivering gives spring sport athletes an Iron Man or Iron Woman aura.

5.   Less time in the sun = less chance of skin cancer.

4.   When the weather’s cold, teachers have an easier time keeping their students’ noses to the grindstone.

3.   That first grilled meal of spring tastes better when it’s a long time coming.

2.   The apple trees bloom later, so there’s less chance of a late frost nipping their buds.

1.   A cold spring makes spring break trips to points south seem like a good investment.

What’s good about a late spring in your book? Leave a comment!