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dishesThis post is of the good news/bad news variety. The good news is that my hand is healing well and regaining function rapidly. Therefore my therapy appointments are down to one a week, and the therapist said I can skip some of my exercises if I’m using my hand to complete daily household activities. The bad news will become apparent as you peruse this week’s top ten list of good-for-the-hand household activites.

10. Hanging clothes on the line. Not that I’m hanging clothes on the line at this time of year. But since the therapist makes me squeeze giant clothespins at every appointment, this activity makes the list.

9.  So does clipping fingernails. Though it only comes up every couple of weeks.

8.  Squeezing the toothpaste tube. Always starting at the bottom, of course.

7.  Dusting. Knickknacks are good exercise for pincher movement. And dusting furniture limbers up the wrist.

6.  Cleaning bathrooms and the kitchen. Scrubbing sinks, wiping counters, swabbing the toilet bowl, and attacking that grubby bathtub ring are ultimate multi-tasking activities.

5.  Mopping floors. As in the on-your-hands-and-knees variety. The hands and knees part makes the wrist bend as its never bent before. The wringing out the rag part puts squeezing Ther-a-putty to shame.

4.  Washing dishes. What could be better than scrubbing pots, wringing out rags, soaking hands in warm water?

3.  Cleaning the kitchen. Which would be as intolerable as #10 through #4, except that #2 and #1, the reasons why the kitchen gets dirty, are the only items on the list I enjoy.

2.  Cooking and baking.

1.  Eating. As in everything created in #2.

See what I mean? Good new, bad news, a clean house, and a balanced diet for the first time in months. Leave a comment!