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wash windows

10.  It’s too sunny.

9.   It’s too cloudy.

8.   It’s raining.

7.   Windows don’t get all that dirty in one short decade.

6.   The chiropractor says polishing is bad for the back.

5.   A little dirt on the glass cuts down the glare of the sun.

4.   If the the glass is too clean, the value of our house will fall because it will look like the windows don’t have glass.

3.   If the glass is too clean, birds will clunk into it and die. Who wants birdicide on the conscience?

2.   I’ve got an appointment for a root canal that I don’t want to miss.

1.   If our windows are too clean, it might make the neighbors feel guilty about resorting to the excuses on this list instead of washing theirs.

Photo Credit: debspoons at