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feet-619534_1280I’m spending the week with my daughter, son-in-law and their 3-month-old baby. You know. Helping out so Daddy and Mommy can get some things done. Like sleeping, showering, and going to the bathroom while I take care of the adorable grandson. Who is also quite distracting, and for the following 10 reasons is why this post almost didn’t get written.

10. My adorable grandson has been drooling and needs Grammy to wipe it away.

9.  My highly aware grandson doesn’t like wet diapers and needs to be changed again.

8.  My adorable grandson used up all the diapers and Grammy is folding clean ones.

7.  My adorable grandson is fussing and only Grammy can make him happy.

6.  My adorable grandson is sleeping so Grammy and Mommy are madly working their ways through their to-do lists.

5.  My adorable grandson is cooing so we have to Facetime with Papoo and Great-grandma Dorothy so they can enjoy his adorableness.

4.  My adorable grandson’s smile melts Grammy’s heart, and she forgets all about social media.

3.  My precocious grandson just figured out how to put his hand in his mouth, so we are planning what to wear for his presidential inauguration.

2.  My adorable grandson’s mother and I went grocery shopping, which is much easier when the adult to baby ratio is 2 to 1.

1.  My adorable grandson didn’t fuss during the shopping trip so we went to the coffee shop to celebrate.

What kept you from blogging today? Leave a comment.