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Top Ten Reasons

10.  The dog ate the list. On wait, we don’t have a dog.

9.    Hiram’s home today trimming the hedge and the noise is distracting.

8.    I’m too busy doing a happy dance because the basic outline for my mystery novel is done.

7.     My schedule is off because of visiting Mom on Monday instead of Tuesday this week.

6.     Much of yesterday was spent in a futile search for navy shoes to go with a new navy and white dress. Who knew navy was out, out, out this year? No wonder the dress was on clearance.

5.    Being over 50, I plead the 50th in all memory failure situations.

4.    I figured out how to unfreeze my iPod all by myself, but then spent too much time patting myself on the back for doing it.

3.    I’m guest hosting a special needs parenting discussion at Moms Together today. Come join us if you like.

2.    Now that spring has arrived, I’m too busy admiring the daffodils, tulips, bleeding hearts, magnolias, budding trees, and green grass to think about top ten lists.

1.    I’m black and blue from pinching myself about a new contract with Discovery House Publishers, this time for a Caregiver Notebook for those caring for kids with special needs and adults with health conditions.