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Why have blog posts been so spotty on the Gravel Road lately Here are 10 time-eating reasons.Gravel Road posts have been a bit spotty for a few weeks. Here are the top 10 reasons why.

10. Two to three hand therapy appointments a week.

9.  Fifteen minutes worth of hand therapy exercises every two hours during the day.

8.  Christmas shopping and present wrapping.

7. Thanksgiving baking and cooking.

6.  Hours and days in a carbohydrate stupor after the Thanksgiving feast.

5.  The Grandbaby’s arrival which led to quibbling with the Man of Steel about who’s turn it was to play with the little guy.

4.  Spending time with our kids.

3.  Watching Baby and marveling over his new skills: hand clapping, food smearing, and flashing a most disarming grin.

2.  Nursing the cold Baby passed along when he planted a huge, slobbery kiss right on Grammy’s lips.

1. Feeling all mopey while doing piles of laundry after the kids and grandbaby went home.

What’s eating away your time this holiday season? Leave a comment.