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winter frost

Winter, even when the weather’s mild, is not my favorite season. This winter’s been a hard one so far, requiring constant doses of positive thinking. Today’s dose of the top ten positives about winter should be taken with a full glass of water…or hot cocoa in front of a blazing fire.

10.  Staying indoors out of the cold means there’s plenty of time for those household tasks so easy to procrastinate about during spring and summer. Like cleaning the refrigerator or behind the stove.

9.   Also time to clean closets and take stuff to Goodwill, so when it’s time to move after decades in the same house, the task won’t be quite so daunting.

8.   Winter’s a good time to learn to do something new on the computer or to take figure skating lessons. Though a smart pill would make this item much easier.

7.   This is the perfect time to day dream about summer without having one’s hair go wonky from the humidity.

6.   Now’s the time to play the board games given as Christmas presents…while the games still have all the pieces.

5.   Trying out new baking recipes makes long winter nights shorter and keeps the house warm and cozy.

4.   Book research is much easier to concentrate upon when the weather outside is frightful.

3.   During winter, a person can to go to bed when the sun goes down, read for hours, and still turn out the light at a decent hour.

2.   Winter is the absolute best time to check out DVDs and catch up on TV series missed during busy child rearing decades.

1.   A winter like this one is long enough to write a book…a mystery novel, to be exact.