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Today’s post has been preempted by Three Thoughts for Thursday, which had their feelings hurt when they were preempted by the 4th of July.

  1. As a young kid, I thought the founding fathers were very thoughtful to schedule Independence Day on the 4th of July so both holidays could be celebrated on the same day.
  2. As a teenager, our high school crowd gathered in Mary Anne Cassel’s lawn  on July 4th because it offered an unobstructed view of the fireworks. Not only was our crowd blessed with deep and lasting friendships, we were blessed by Mary Anne’s parents, who made every one of us feel important and valued.
  3. As an adult, two July 4th fireworks displays stand out. The first was when the rocket launcher went awry and started the grass around the airport on fire. The second was in Alaska where we pretended the fireworks were visible in the land of the midnight sun.

What’s your favorite 4th of July memory? Leave a comment.