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Kirkland dark chocolate covered almonds

  1. Encouragement: When you realize educators, writers, and special needs ministry directors, people you respect highly enough to ask them to endorse the book you co-authored with Katie Wetherbee, email to say they love Every Child Welcome.
  2. Most recent God wink: When you finish your talk with a strict five minute time limit; the talk you didn’t have time to prepare for because you’ve spent the past 2 weeks caring for family members with the flu, caring for your daughter who’s having early contractions, and finishing edits on a new book; and the person with the timer says your talk ran five minutes exactly.
  3. Lenten gratitude: When your brother-in-law introduces you to Kirkland’s dairy-free  Dark Chocolate Covered Almonds with Sea Salt–of course, you eat a few to be polite, even though you gave up chocolate for Lent–and they are so delicious you are very, very grateful you gave up chocolate for Lent. Because if you hadn’t, you would drive straight to Costco, buy a bag, and eat way more than is good for you.

What God winks have you received lately? Leave a comment.