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  1. This year’s best Halloween costume has to be the 2 toddlers dressed up as old people–complete with pearls for her, suspenders for him, and walkers sporting tennis balls for both. The Bruins hockey player dressed as Elsa and twirling his way through Boston’s Children’s Hospital was a close second, but it’s hard to compete with kiddie cuteness.
  2. My favorite coffee shop switched their regular cash register out for an iPad and Square several weeks ago. They still can’t figure out how to honor gift cards and track reward points. My increasing level of irritation may be a sign that 1) I’m obsessed with coffee, or 2) that I’m a good steward of resources and want to get bang for my coffee bucks. I vote for #2.
  3. Best show on TV: Parenthood.
    Best character on Parenthood: Crosby Braverman.
    Reason: He’s grown and changed so much and Dax Shepard plays the part so well.
    What’s your nomination for best TV show and character?

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