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Thanks for your patience while the Gravel Road tech guys figured out why this website was down for a few days. These thoughts came to mind while I ate bon-bons and they worked furiously to figure out why the ominous “Exceeds Bandwidth” message barred people from the site.

  1. At first, the web guy thought the cause was the electronic version of talking too much. (ie: daily posts and pix) If that had been the cause, my poor sibs, who endured my childhood audio rambles, wouldn’t have been surprised.
  2. The cause actually turned out to be the picture on a post from May. A combination of too many pixels and lots of visits to that particular post did the dastardly deed.
  3. Tech guys are worth their weight in gold. Thanks to Ray and Joshua for getting to the root of the problem. Too bad there aren’t any bon-bons left to share while we celebrate.

If you have suggestions on how to celebrate instead, leave a comment.