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The price of gas, spring birdsong, and getting gussied up for Easter in this week's three thoughts.

  1. A year ago, we were complaining because gas cost $2.42 a gallon. Two months ago, we were rejoicing because gas prices dipped to $1.43. Now we’re complaining because a gallon of gas now costs $1.98. We become ungrateful far too quickly.
  2. This morning, I was awakened by an unfamiliar noise. I finally identified it as bird song. Ah, spring!
  3. As a kid, I hated wriggling into tights, wearing a scratchy petticoat, working buttons through the stiff buttonholes of a new dress, pulling on white gloves, and tightening the buckles on my Mary Janes. As an adult, I miss getting gussied with my sister for Easter Sunday services and having Mom take our picture.