Last week’s CSA share included a yellow watermelon. (It was a whole one, but I forgot to take a picture of it so what you see above is a supermarket shot.) It’s presence led to these three thoughts.
- Our yellow watermelon smelled wonderful, but it was disconcerting to look at. So I had to close my eyes and pretend it was red for the first bite. It was so indescribably delicious, I ate the rest with eyes wide open.
- In the interest of full disclosure, please know that if served an ear of red sweet corn, closing my eyes for the first bite would become necessary again.
- The same rules do not apply to yellow tomatoes in place of red ones. They are completely interchangeable. Don’t ask me why.
What horse-of-a-different-color foods are hard for you to eat? Leave a comment.
She was always very picky and dramatic about the picky-ness (professionally known as Sensory Defensive/Taste/Texture). Sigh.
Dear Sis,
I prefer to think of it as innate refinement and good taste…no pun intended.