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We’re having a delightful visit with our daughter and her husband this week – trying to cram a year’s worth of fun into two weeks and doing a pretty good job of it. No wonder this week’s three thoughts revolve around our daughter who made her initial appearance 24 years ago this week.

  1. Anne and I are in love with Jane Haddam, a mystery writer who’s been around for decades but is brand new to us. The daughter gets my kind of excited about a mystery series that’s well-written and thirty titles long. Heaven, we’re in heaven…
  2. The Amazing Spiderman in 2D was thrill enough for the daughter and me. To avoid motion sickness, we averted our eyes when that sassy nerd, Peter Parker, started swinging off sky scrapers. We were both smitten by the performances of Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Martin Sheen and Sally Fields. Though I was waiting for Sally to don her habit and take to the skies with her nephew.
  3. I was born during the drought of 1956. My daughter was born during the drought of 1988. I’ll become a grandma and the daughter will become an aunt during the drought of 2012. Based on such dry family history, we predict Baby Philo will be a girl!

How does your family predict the gender of new babies? What’s your favorite summer movie? Mystery writer? Leave a comment.