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Three thoughts about what it's like to be internet homeless.

  1. When the construction crew installing a culvert at the bottom of your driveway accidentally cut the line the internet company didn’t flag–though they flagged your neighbor’s line–that internet company may still wait an entire week to repair the line. Even though the nice construction crew flagged the cut line and left it exposed for the not-so-nice internet crew.
  2. A person who’s work is conducted mostly online becomes internet homeless when without the service for a week. That person wanders from church to coffee shop to library day after day after day and becomes increasingly frustrated, less organized, and less efficient as time goes by.
  3. An internet homeless person doesn’t have the mental where-with-all to write sweet blog posts about life on gravel roads or snappy top ten lists. An internet homeless person is also unable to test new recipes while wandering far from the kitchen.

Have you ever been internet homeless? Tell your story in the comment box.