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Furbies, kids’ electronic tablets, and Yvolution scooters top almost every list of 2012’s hottest Christmas toys. Those lists led to these three thoughts about hot toys of past years.

  1. Hot toys for my kids were anything in the Lego castle line and American Girl dolls. Those toys are now in storage.
  2. The hot toy when I was in third grade was Chatty Cathy. I pulled the string on mine so much, it only lasted two days.
  3. Mom remembers one Christmas during the Great Depression when her only present was a stick of gum. Presumably the gum provided a day of chewing pleasure…or more if it spent the night on the bedpost.

Kinda puts things in perspective, doesn’t it? What were the hot gifts when you were a kid? How long could you make a stick of gum last? Leave a comment!