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Sherlock, the new PBS series set in modern times, has been a major topic of conversation around here lately. Our son and daughter-in-law recommended the show, so we watched the first episode with our daughter and son-in-law a few days ago. We were instantly hooked and watched the other two episodes in Season One together before they left yesterday. With that information, deducing the reason this week’s three thoughts are about the great sleuth should be elementary, my dear Watson.

  1. Benedict Cumberbatch plays Sherlock to perfection. Could there possibly be a more British name for an English actor? Anyone else waiting impatiently to hear him as the voice of Smaug in The Hobbit movie?
  2. Martin Freeman is equally well-cast as Sherlock’s sidekick, Dr. Watson. And he has the perfect hobbit nose, so I totally get why he’s been cast as Bilbo Baggins in the previously mentioned movie.
  3. I think Sheldon Cooper meets the modern Sherlock would make a bang up episode of The Big Bang Theory. What two fictional TV characters would you like to see make a crossover episode?