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Hiram and I celebrated our anniversary with lunch out and then iced coffees from Burgie’s, our favorite coffee house. (Yes, we are raging party animals!) Our delicious anniversary treat led to these three coffee house thoughts for Thursday:

  1. Try as I might – buy the best coffee, grind it myself, and use a French press – my best cup a joe is never as good what they serve at Burgie’s. The only thing left to do is get a couple tattoos and some body piercings so I look like a barista.
  2. On the other hand, my chai tea holds up to any I’ve tasted anywhere. So maybe I can hold off on the body art for the the foreseeable future.
  3. Kailen and Anne arrived last night for a week of fun. Here’s my quandary: do the four of us go out for good coffee, stay home for good chai, or make an appointment for mother/daughter and father/son tattoos?

Do you have a trick or recipe for really good java? Chai tea serving suggestions? Tattoo parlor recommendations? Leave a comment!