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Yesterday, I spoke to a group of third graders here in town. I last taught kids that age a dozen years ago before I moved to fourth grade. But not much has changed in the intervening years. The halls still smell of floor was and books, the teachers still work hard, and the kids still get bored after fifteen minutes.

Most of all, third graders still think the same. They’re devoted to their families. They think everybody should follow the rules. They all have stories to tell – about pets, vacations, brothers and sisters. And third grade is when they gain enough skill to put some of their ideas into practice. It’s a very exciting age to be.

I’d forgotten how much effort it takes to contain the excitement and energy of 20+ students. My feet hurt when I got home, and I was tired I slept really well last night. But I was happy too, for the hour spent in a world clearly defined by pets and family and rules. I was thankful for the teachers who show those students how to navigate their way into a much bigger world.

I’m pretty sure their feet hurt a whole lot more than mine did. And I’m hoping they slept well, too. They need it.