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About a week ago, I interviewed Cindy Haynes, an ISU horticulture professor concerning an article for the April issue of Facets. Dr. Haynes took me on a tour of the horticulture department’s greenhouses and conservatory so I could get some pictures to accompany the story. I thought some plant pictures would add a nice touch to a gardening article. Where do I come up with these crazy ideas?

For a few minutes in the warm greenhouse, the air heavy with humidity and the scent of flowers and dirt, life was good. The temperature outside was a wintery eleven degrees, but inside the glass walls April had arrived. It was hard to leave, and the cold was cruel as I walked back to my car. The tantalizing hint of spring left me feeling bummed until I downloaded pictures of tulips and daffodils and looked at them until the hope of spring gave me strength to face the remaining weeks of winter.

On this last day of February, Leap Day no less, maybe you need hope, too. With gas prices soaring the stock market falling, the housing market a mess and the glacier on our driveway rock solid, a little hope goes a long way.  So I’m sharing these pictures, too pretty to hoard and vital for mental health, with you.

Feast your eyes on the future. Spring is almost here.