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calendar-1072482-mThe Caregiver’s Notebook vlog series is here today with episode 3 in the series. The Caregiver’s Notebook: An Organizational Tool and Support to Help You Care for Others was officially released by Discovery House Publishers on November 1, 2014. This series began a week later as a way to offer support to caregivers and relieve their stress.

What Kinds of Caregivers?

The notebook was designed to be versatile enough for a variety of caregiving scenarios. It works for adult children caring for aging parents, spouses caring for husbands or wives, and for parents caring for babies, toddlers, young children, and teens with special needs. It also can be used by parents caring for adult children with special needs, parents caring for typical babies from birth through age 3, and by senior citizens in good health who want to have their affairs in order for whoever will care for them in case of sudden illness or accident.

The Caregiver’s Notebook Vlog Series Episode 3: Calendar How Tos

In this episode, caregivers learn how to customize the 3 year calendar to best meet their caregiving needs. You’ll learn when to start using it, how to keep it up-to-date, and how to log information so it can be used as documentation for insurance companies and health care providers. With that, it’s time to watch episode 3.

Click here to view this vlog episode at my sister site