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Almost three years ago, I compared an undignified plop into the tube tied to our friend’s pontoon boat to my first ploppy attempt at blogging. My desire was for a slow, sedate ride in both endeavors. Hence the title of the post: That’s Fast Enough.

Yesterday, I went tubing again. This time the tube was tied to my cousin’s speed boat. The ride was anything but slow and sedate, at least according to my idea of speed. The ride made me think about family events which, in my eyes, have occurred at lighting speed during the three years between tube rides. Here’s the short list:

  • Mom is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Moves in with my brother’s family in 2007. Her house sells in March of 2008.
  • I get contract for A Different Dream for My Child in February of 2008. Deliver manuscript by January 1, 2009 deadline. Discovery House Publishers releases it in September of 2009, and the next several months are dedicated to promoting it – all over Iowa, with trips to Minnesota, California, West Virginia, and Florida thrown in for a change in scenery. I also start second blog,, a companion website for the book.
  • Son leaves monastery and is treated for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) caused by early childhood invasive medical trauma. Finds old sweetheart, new job and own apartment, in that order. Engaged in July 2009, married April 11, 2010.
  • Daughter meets boyfriend in spring of 2009. Engaged in November 2009, married July 11, 2010.
  • Discovery House offers me a new contract for Different Dream Parenting on April 12, 2010, one day after son’s wedding, two months and twenty-nine days before daughter’s wedding…proof that God has a sense of humor. Book deadline is April 1, 2011.

Whew! Over the past three years, things have moved way too fast. So far there hasn’t been time to reflect upon them. So I’m hoping the rest of this year will be like me at the end of yesterday’s tube ride. The boat stopped moving, I finally had time to strike a pose, smile, and enjoy my day in the sun.

With that in mind, could the Guy in charge please slow down my wild ride so I can think for a while, then grab a pencil and start writing? In fact, could He stop the boat? For a month or two, that would be plenty fast enough.