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I’m a bit bleary-eyed this morning. We had an hour long, rootin-tootin midwestern thunderstorm in the middle of the night. The rain was welcome and pretty much guarantees filled ears of sweet corn until the first frost. A short night is a small price to pay for a longer sweet corn season.

Even though I was bleary-eyed, I remembered to take my camera on my walk. I strapped it on and opened the door and there it was! The asparagus fern in the hanging basket outside the kitchen door was sparkling with water droplets. Was I ever glad to have the camera ready! If I’d had to walk clear to the living room for it, the hanging basket might have run away before I could seize the day.

Man, was I pumped when I downloaded the photos – at least until I saw they were technical failures. The colors in the flash shot were too bright and the one without flash was as gloomy and gray as Count Dracula’s castle. But a quick session with the “saturation” slide on my photo software brought the picture to life, so enjoy.

Another technical failure stands in the way for those of you planning to seize the day and make blog comments. Yesterday afternoon, I was unable to reply to your comments using either Firefox and Safari as my browser. I can see your comments when I use my iWeb software to post, but not when I use the internet. Last night there was technical gobble-de-gook at the bottom of each blog page. Today that ‘s gone, but I still can’t get to or add comments.

Email me if you’re having the same problem. I suspect it has something to do with the switch from .mac to MobileMe so it may resolve itself in a few days. If not, I’ll phone Apple after Labor Day. So hang in there, and send me your comments. If you want, I can post them as a blog entry:)