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Another Super Bowl has come and gone, but it left these top ten lingering impressions in its wake:

10. My, my, my, those players have to be sore this week.

9.   The more a TV show (like Parenthood, Downtown Abbey, or West Wing) draws me in emotionally, the more likely it is to enter my dreams. Rest assured, Super Bowl 47 and I were not bedfellows Sunday night.

8.   Between brothers who are head coaches and the power outage, Super Bowl 47 should provide a motherlode of obscure facts for color commentators in the decades to come.

7.    The best thing about the Super Bowl is the socially acceptable, junk food extravaganza that accompanies it each year.

6.   Surely, John Harbaugh will leave his Super Bowl ring at home when he goes to Jim’s house for Thanksgiving dinner next year.

5.   Finally, we know how to render football commentators speechless. Just turn off the lights in the stadium.

4.   So, are the football players with the braids really football players, or are they Saruman’s fighting Urak-hai moonlighting on the sly?

3.   The lack of sportsmanship displayed by players, coaches, and fans left me feeling sorry for elementary PE teachers and any adult on recess duty. How can educators encourage kids to be good sports when their pro-athlete role models are such bad examples?

2.   The Super Bowl is considered family entertainment, right? Did someone forget to remind Beyonce and the producers of the halftime show about that?

1.   Most of the Super Bowl commercials didn’t make much sense, which shows how out of touch I am with popular culture. However, the Doritos commercial where the dad dressed up as princess and played with his daughter and all his friends joined in was very cool. The world needs more dads like that.