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Winter moon

Staying put.

It’s what authors have to do if they really want to complete the novel, the memoir, or whatever staggering work of heart-breaking genius is buzzing around in their heads.

And it works.

For the past 2 1/2 weeks I’ve been staying put and working steadily. The manuscript for Every Child Welcome is almost complete. I’m conducting research for the web page that goes live when The Caregiver’s Notebook releases in the fall of 2014. And the plot of my mystery novel is moving forward, too. Yahoo!

But there’s a problem with staying put.

It doesn’t give a blogger much to write about on a daily basis. Unless readers want to hear about the state of a blogger’s sinuses, colon, and physical maladies that capture the attention of authors who are either madly writing or madly self-obsessed most of the time.

Don’t worry. I’m not going there.

Instead, I’ll point you to three favorite blogs written by moms parenting kids with special needs. First is Jo Ashline. She’s transparent, honest, and very funny about her struggles as the parent of a son with autism. Enjoy her post entitled Me, which explains why she’s having a hard time getting started on her memoir.

Second is Amy Julia Becker. She’s mom to three young kids. The oldest, Penny, lives with Down syndrome. Her post I Want to Be a Love, But I Also Want the Special Seat… made me smile. I hope it makes you smile, too.

And finally, from Ellen Seidman at Love That Max. Her love for Max, who has cerebral palsy, shines through her post, Hydroplaning Through Life and Grounding Myself. If you’re a softy, keep a tissue handy for this one.

Now it’s your turn to give a shout out to a favorite blog in the comment box. Think of it as traveling the world (wide web) while staying put!