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Last night, our small church group was in charge of Adventure Club. In other words, we wrangled a whole passel of kids so all the other groups could meet in blessed peace, without pint-sized distraction.

The evening was a smorgasbord of PBJs, games, Veggie Tales, craft time, and a Bible story. I volunteered for the Bible story (Will the school teacher in me ever die?) about the 10 Commandments. The only problem was how to negotiate the “Thou shalt not commit adultery”  sticky wicket with four through nine-year-olds.

Happily, the kids took care of the issue themselves. When they kids arrived for the Bible story, and they tried to recall the ten big ones from memory, their spin on number seven was “a married man shouldn’t have another girlfriend and a married woman shouldn’t have a boyfriend.” So much for that worry and many thanks to Marsha, who front-loaded them with that kid-friendly interpretation during craft time.

Their interpretation reminded me of a story my daughter passed along during our Sunday afternoon phone call. She was giggling about a something our new son had heard from a friend. This friend was watching TV with his daughter, and one of those irritating Viagra commercials aired, not for the first time in their TV watching experience. At the end of this particular commercial, his daughter asked, “Does reptile disfunction mean the man’s lizard isn’t working?”

Oh, to be a kid again.