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On Saturday, I ate lunch with about 20 young princesses and their slightly older female rellies at a mother-daughter princess tea at a church here in Iowa. After lunch and the program, I chatted with several of the very excited young ladies and left the gala event with the following three observations:

  1. At these events, complete with a photo shoot that encourages the wearing of girlie regalia, princesses have something much more glamorous than toilet paper stuck to the bottom of their shoes. They have feather boa bits stuck to their ruby slippers.
  2. A little sparkle goes a long way when you’re between the ages of 5 and 9. Why else would little girls ask me, an aging woman in a frilly dress accessorized with a rhinestone tiara and glittery sash, if they could have my autograph and take my picture with their cell phones?
  3. When you’re a young girl with stars in her eyes, being a princess really is all about the clothes.

Oh my, they make me want to be little again!